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Silver Moon is a proposed feature-length horror/western written and directed by my buddy, Travis Stevens.
Last summer, I helped shoot and composite a teaser video.
It is finally online for everyone to see.
Watch it on Vimeo:
Or watch it on YouTube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_16EFJ axUQ
If you enjoy this video, pass it on to your friends and enemies.
If you do the Facebook thing, feel free to fan it here:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Silver-M oon/324227165162?ref=nf
Our goal is to show this video to anyone and everyone.
If enough people like it and want to see a feature-length movie,
maybe we can convince the right people to fund it and make that happen.
If you'd like to know more about the project and the director, visit:
I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you enjoy our months of work.
Jason Milligan (Fourchinnigan)
welcome back man!
and awesome work!
Thanks, dude.
I would love to start contributing stuff to this site again, but I so rarely work with Flash nowadays.